Thursday 16 June 2011

Audience research

1. What gender are you?
Male      Female 

2. What age are you?
13-15    16-18   19-21   Older
            IIIIIIIIII               I

3.What genre of film is your favourite?
Comedy   Rom-com    Horror       Thriller    
IIIII          II                  I                III
Action     Sci-Fi       Fantasy      Chick Flicks

4.  How often do you go to the cinema?
Once a week      Once a fortnight    
Once a month      Less 
   IIIII                    III

5. Would a trailer make you want to see a film?
No       Yes
6. Do you usually watch films on the internet or at the cinema?
Internet      Cinema
  III             IIIIIIII
7. Would you buy a film magazine? If so, how much would you pay?
£2-£3     £3-£4
6. Would you watch a film because you like the actors/actresses?
No       Yes

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