Tuesday 11 October 2011

First draft of Magazine front Cover

First draft 

This is my first draft of my magazine front cover. I have chosen the image that I want to use for the cover and I am happy with that. I want to try and work with the different fonts and layouts and challenging and following typical conventions. For example the masthead is challenging conventions because usually magazines will just have the masthead straight across the top of the magazine whereas I couldn't because of the image. I didn't want to cover the character's faces so I thought that I would challenge conventions and play with the words and type it down the side. I need to work on the font colours and types because they don't stand out very well so I need to try and make my fonts and sub heading (The Following) stand out a lot more because that is the main feature of the magazine. I also think that the actual content I am advertising for the magazine should be stronger, so I hope to work on these points whilst improving the magazine cover.

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