Sunday 17 July 2011

Organisation of characters

Main characters

; James Fawcett and Connie Groves
 From the Henley College. 

; Make phone calls and text messages to find out when they are both free to film.
This way we can be organised and have enough time to film to the best potential. 

; Call to organise discussion of script.
 If we discuss the script with the actors they can get to know it better and therefore feel more comfortable about reading it out and acting it. They need to be happy and comfortable with the characters that we are asking them to be and therefore get into character so that the acting is of a high standard. The better they know the script and their characters, the better quality our Teaser Trailer will be.


; Make phone calls and text messages to find out when they are both free to re-film. 
It is necessary for us to re-film some parts of our trailer that we were not happy with, therefore we need to arrange times and dates with out actors to re-film the scenes. 

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