Friday 11 November 2011

My Final Movie Poster

Reflection on what I have learnt from the research of film posters
I have learnt from researching other film posters that they have to be quite eye catching and fit the genre and purpose of the film. Typical conventions are to show the title of the film and the to have a tag line that people will remember. It mostly includes an image relating to the film or characters. The poster never usually gives much information away to the audience, so that hopefully they will be left wanting the know more.
     The main characters are usually on the poster so the audience can familiarise or recognise them. So I decided to show both main characters in the poster and their facial expressions so that the audience can understand the atmposphere and tension.
     Another typical convention is to have all the information, actors, and copyright in small print and the coming soon or the release date. Therefore I have tried to include as many typical conventions as I could. 

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