Tuesday 29 November 2011

Evaluation Plan

Question one

In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?



Media products
- Film Poster
- Film magazine Cover
- Teaser Trailer

Typical Conventions
- They all have an image
- They don't give much away
- Title
- Actor and Actress/characters
- Tag line

- Masthead
- They have an image
- They are advertising the film preview as the main subject
- They offer deals and special offers and catchy lines to catch the audience attention
- They advertise other films and actors and actresses
- They should stand out because there is a lot of competition on the market
- They should not look to 'cluttered' or 'busy'
- Make the audience want to read the content of the magazine
- The layout
- The way the masthead is structured
- The image
- The sub heading

Teaser Trailer
- Aimed to tease the audience, not giving to much away
- Short, snappy and attention grabbing
- Need to make the audience want to go and watch the film
- Present the characters and show their personality slightly, not giving too much away
- Relevant music and catchy soundtracks
- Genre relevant
- Some slow scenes some quick scenes

Media product relevance
Our products are relevant to professional media products because they follow typical conventions and in some cases also challenge conventions. Our magazine follows many conventions but the masthead is unconventional. The contrast of the different soundtracks across our teaser trailer creates a more confusing atmosphere for the audience so they don't know when to be scared. The poster follows conventions except the image is black and white but this fits the theme of the film more as it needs to be more dark and mysterious. Professional products need to create a massive effect on the target audience for it to be successful. We can prove that our teaser trailer is causing a stir because we have 37 hits on our new You Tube upload.

These still shots I will now analyse to show the effect.

Analyse 10 still shots from our teaser trailer, showing relevance to other trailers and shot types etc. how they compare and contrast or follow the conventions of other trailers, links, still shots etc from other trailers. Voice recording of questions being asked, Ed being videoed can answer, can also interview a member of the target audience.
1) How did you decide on the genre?
We decided on the genre by doing audience questionnaires to collect peoples votes of the most popular genre and their specific tastes. We selected a variety people in the age category of our target audience to find out the best possible genre. In fact the highest voted was comedy but after discussion we felt this genre would be very hard to create an amazing teaser trailer for that would be professional enough for the standard of our audience. So we decided on a thriller which we felt we could accomplish well enough to be a great product.

2) What made you pick these actors and actresses?
We decided on these two specific actor and actress as they both promote drama and have acted a lot before and we felt their personality and skills stood out enough and were perfect for our roles. They are both down-to-earth and keen to listen and learn. We felt we could rely on them both and they would be nice to work with.
3) Who is the target audience?
The target audience are citizens aged from 15-25yrs because we feel that the film would capture their interest, through the complex emotional roller coaster of the storyline and the ambitious characters in the film. Thriller is a popular genre, and in our questionnaire was chosen as second most favourite genre. It can suit both genders because the film has two sides to it. The scary aspects of the film can sometimes acquire a specific taste, but we feel they would be mad to miss out on this one!
4) How does the music challenge or follow conventions?
The music in our teaser trailer both challenges and follows conventions. For example we have a slow and creepy  soundtrack right from the beginning which creates the right atmosphere and tension that the audience should feel. But as we go through the film some slight upbeat soundtracks were used to create a contrast between the tense atmosphere, to a more light and slightly humorous atmosphere so that the audience will feel slightly confused about what is happening next. This is challenging conventions because it should get the audience hooked and confused so that they want to watch more! We have other sounds for the part where character "Gabby" is stalking her 'boyfriend' this then makes the audience realise she is the evil one and something will happen as the tension is building.

5) What ambitions did you have that you couldn't follow through with?
Some ambitions that we had but couldn't follow through with, was to make the trailer scarier. We didn't do this because this would make the target audience a lot smaller, but we are still happy with the final outcome.

Question two

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


The effect of our main product with the ancillary tests...
Interview video
1) What would you say was the most effective product?
The most effective product is the magazine because in our audience feedback, the results show this had the most positive feedback, therefore this shows that our target audience was interested in our magazine more than the other products.
2) Which product stands out the most at the target audience?
We wanted our teaser trailer to stand out the most to our target audience because this is the main task and we wanted it to be successful and be effective on our audience.

3) Who is more likely to read a magazine, look at a poster or view the trailer?
I think that our audience is more likely to watch teaser trailers for movies, either at the cinema or on line, than the other two products.
4) What would be the most popular product on the market and why?
From our audience feedback, it shows that the magazine would be the most popular product on the market as it has the most positive interest.
5) How important is it for your audience to enjoy your main product and ancillary texts?
It is highly important for our audience to enjoy the main and ancillary tasks, in fact it is the most important factor because they need to enjoy our products for them to then be a success, and we aim to please and fulfil our audience.

Question 3


What have you learnt from the audience feedback? (post-it notes, interviews, photographs) for all productions (main and ancillary task)


Use the information from the audience feedback questions and comments.
Interviews and audience opinions
Proof of audience enjoyment (show a part of the video with the audience's reaction, etc.
Use the different comments to show how the trailer and other tasks where taken into account by the audience.
What product and what part of teaser trailer they like the best.
Show their ratings, use images and notes and post-it notes.
Here is some of the audiences ratings on our teaser trailer... People can hold up numbers to show there ratings, video interview, different opinions, final ideas and conventional ideas.
Show how we have developed our products through audience feedback. The audience are happy with the new products etc.
Interview shows the before and after thoughts. Photographs of before and after as proof. Main product to use print screens and to show editing.
1) What did you find the easiest and hardest about developing to the audience standards?
We found the easiest thing was to be creative and come up with lots of different ideas. I think that is a skill that was extremely important in this whole task and requires some big ideas to make this work. I think that the hardest thing was meeting our audiences' standards with our main product. We tried hard to make it adventurous, gripping, twisted and emotional, and we had to make the editing up to a very high standard which i hope we achieved. I think that this was definitely the hardest audience standard to meet.
2) What was the main issue that the audience wanted to change?
The audience wanted to change the masthead layout and price of the magazine, the also wanted some changes of layout of the poster, they wanted to make the genre clearer and scarier.
3) How many people agreed and disagreed?
Most people liked our products but we appreciate all the constructive criticism that our audience gave so we can improve for the future.
4) Do you agree or disagree with the changes made?
We completely accept all of our audiences feedback and have taken it into account.
5) What have you learnt about the importance of audience feedback?
We have learnt from audience feedback that it is probably the most important piece of information that can make or break your products. The audience is who your are trying to please and sell it to, therefore you need to be able to fulfil their standards and needs. We would not have achieved this work unless we had our audience's opinions, comments and criticisms.

Question four

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? (Images with evaluation of digital equipment used for whole process).


The use of software and hardware used throughout the entire design, planning and making of the products and ancillary products. All of the software was used to enhance and design the products otherwise it would not be possible.
Showing images of computer and/or laptop as the main facility and the software used on the computer; word, Internet and print screen on websites,(soundtracks, DaFont, go, etc) Photo shop, paint, ADOBE Premier Pro, how all of the software links to create all of your products.
The marketing, You tube to get the video viral and to get more hits. Why and how we used this software and how it was possible to create our products on them.
The hardware used, ie. video camera to capture the action and the tripod and the digital camera and the mobile phones also, for contact and for prop and the cable to connect the camera to the computer to ADOBE Premier Pro to create the final product. Use images not an interview for this, maybe a slide show with a few notes to label each product and why.

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