Wednesday 26 October 2011

Second Draft of Magazine

Second Draft of Magazine
This is my second draft of my magazine for my film. I think that my ideas are changing and getting stronger and the structure has improved. I have made the masthead and subtitle stand out more by using a white box with black writing and red with a black outline. I think this works better because it is a lot clearer and you want your magazine to stand out to your audience and be interested. I think that the masthead and title have improved but I am still not 100 percent sure that it works. I added on extra text inside boxes, which gives more context of the magazine and more information to the audience. I also think that the first draft looked to bare and it needed more to fill the space. I do think though that there may be too much now and it looks a bit too busy, so I need to work out how to keep the context yet space things out better. I added on a red circle which is a convention that many magazines use to display context in a clear way. I think that this is an improvement, I also added on more information about 'Featuring Films' and gave a list of new ones. This should be another way of attracting the audience so I think I will leave this context on the magazine but I may also change the layout.

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